3 Reasons You Should Never Feed Your Dog Orange Peel
SuccessfulMe December 9, 2020How do dogs eat oranges? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by dog owners, especially since so many people love the taste! But orange isn’t exactly a healthy fruit for dogs to eat.
The real question to ask here is – what’s so good about oranges? After all, they are among the hardest fruits to digest, even for dogs! So let’s take a closer look at what you can expect from oranges, and whether or not it’s a good fruit for dogs.
The answer to the simple question can dogs eat orange will depend on the variety. In general, the skin of an orange contains a lot of citric acid, which makes it very digestible for dogs.
However, contrary to popular belief, this citric acid is actually not toxic to dogs, so most pooches can easily indulge in some slices without running any significant health risks.
However, understanding how much Citric Acid is safe to be given to a canine is very important, because overdosing can cause various digestive and other medical problems.
Therefore, you’ll want to make sure that feeding your dog orange juice, or portions of it, won’t pose any problems.
Orange fruit contains a surprising amount of vitamin C – more than you’d expect from a fruit that’s so small. However, it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the immune system, which is why it’s usually fed to dogs to strengthen their immunity system.
Since the vitamin C found in oranges is similar to that found in grapes, you may think this fruit is more nutritious than grapes.
However, just like grapes, oranges contain a large amount of natural sugar – and this sugar can have unhealthy consequences if too much is given to a dog without being consumed in sufficient quantities.
There is also some evidence that suggests dogs who are given citrus oil as a dishware cleaning agent may have a higher risk of cancer of the lymph nodes. It seems the chemicals in citrus oil can interfere with DNA formation in cells, and this can cause leukemia in dogs.
It is also thought that there is some danger for cats and kittens, although this evidence is still very inconclusive. There has also been some indication that citrus oil toxicity can result in lethargy, weakness, depression and chronic vomiting in dogs.
While citrus fruits may provide lots of health benefits for dogs, it may cause them some unwelcome health problems as well. Dogs that regularly consume oranges may experience difficulty urinating and defecating.
Because of its high concentration of natural sugars, they may also become susceptible to infections of the ears and gastrointestinal tract. The problem here lies in the fact that dogs almost never swallow a whole citrus fruit in its whole entirety – even though this is what they normally do when eating oranges.
If a dog eats an entire citrus fruit, it develops indigestion and intestinal gas, two conditions that can lead to pain in the loin.
Citrus fruit is extremely bitter, so it is not surprising if dogs develop a sensitivity to its taste. You should take special care when giving your pet citrus fruit.
Make sure you only give them freshly squeezed lemons, limes or oranges, and never give them canned citrus. Only give them the purest citrus fruit that your local pet store sells.
If you must give citrus fruit to dogs, mix a small amount of their regular food with the juice to make it less irritating to their digestive system.
You may also consider adding a little sugar to their daily diet – just don’t give them too much, or they will become uncomfortable.
3 Reasons You Should Never Feed Your Dog Orange Peel
The question can dogs eat orange peel is one of the more frequent questions that dog owners ask. This is because they are faced with the fact that their beloved pets will soon turn 12 and decide they want to be able to enjoy a snack from the tree. However, there are reasons why dogs should never eat orange peel directly.
Orange peels are extremely sweet and it is even remotely possible for them to choke on the bits of pulp that have come off. Like with many other citrus fruits, oranges can actually be toxic to animals depending upon their size.
The average lethal dose of orange peel is approximately half a pound or less for puppies and half a pound or less for mature dogs. For this reason it is critical that you supervise your pets around orange or grapefruit pits, play areas, and other areas where citrus fruit pieces might be dropped onto the ground.
In addition, dogs should never be given citrus fruits directly after drinking, so consider serving your pet water instead.
Although it may be tempting to feed your pooch orange juice or squeeze a slice of orange peel for some delicious orange flavor, do so using a safe juicer or something that is made specifically for citrus fruits and not something from a store or supermarket.
Although ingesting the actual peel is not dangerous for adult dogs, it is toxic for puppies. Because puppies have not developed fully, there is always a risk of serious health issues developing with regular exposure.
It is very important to make sure that you never give oranges to your pet in large quantities, as it can potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea, and general intuition. If you notice any symptoms of these problems developing with your pet it is imperative to take them to the veterinarian immediately.
There are a couple of different reasons why you should never feed oranges to your pet.
First, the actual acidity of the peel makes dogs extremely ill. Citrus fruits have a very high content of citric acid, which is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs.
In addition, the actual acidity of the fruit can make their digestive systems work much harder than they should. This can result in bloating, gas, excessive licking of the genitals, and in some cases, even flatulence.
The second reason why you should never feed oranges to dogs is because of their delicate gastrointestinal tract. Citrus fruit is one of the harder varieties of fruits to digest for dogs.
Even though it is meant to be a treat, it can take hours to process and the acid can actually burn off some of the dog’s mucus, which can lead to bleeding.
Not only is this painful for the dog, but it can also cause problems with their eyes. Since diarrhea can sometimes occur with a bad burn, it can be even worse for dogs if they swallow some of the oranges as their diarrhea can become serious.
The third reason that dogs don’t like to eat oranges is because of the bitter taste. Although tangerines and clementines are generally less bitter than other citrus fruits, it can still be difficult for dogs to ingest them because of their bitter taste.
In addition, the bitter taste of clementines can make them more difficult to chew for long periods of time, so many people place them in gelatin capsules instead. It may be a good idea to keep a supply of gelatin on hand, especially if your pooch tends to get really upset when you give her citrus fruits.