Blog & Journal


7 Mistakes New Bloggers Must Avoid Them

digitalupendra July 23, 2021

Conventional wisdom dictates that blogging takes hard work. After all, if it were easy for everyone to blog about their passion, we’d all have a blog – right? Well, guess what?

Blogging doesn’t have to be hard! In fact, there are plenty of ways to make blogging easier – especially if you’re blogging on a schedule or doing it every day.

That means you don’t spend your valuable time struggling with technical glitches, formatting frustrations or writer’s block.

By blogging smarter and more efficiently you’ll be able to publish the content you want instead of wasting hours trying to get it right. Blogging smarter is blogging more efficiently.

So, what do you need to know? Here are seven blogging tips and blogging tricks that will help you blog smarter and make blogging easier:

1) Write solid content instead of great content –

Great content can be a challenge to write no matter how experienced you are. But if your blogging goal is to get a post up every day, then first focus on writing solid posts instead of great ones.

Make sure that each post has a strong opening and performs an important task, such as driving traffic back to your website or increasing mailing list signups, before worrying about header tags or meta descriptions.

The solid post won’t drive the same amount of traffic that the great one would but it will get you blogging consistently. Every post you publish is one more chance for the blogging universe to pay attention.

2) Spend your time blogging instead of reading –

Why spend so much time learning about blogging when you could be actually blogging? One of the best ways to make blogging easier is to pull back on the blogging theory and spend a little more time blogging in practice.

Skip those pre-blogging books, pick up a blog management tool that makes it easy to schedule posts for several weeks in advance and focus on writing content instead of keeping up with the ‘trends’ online each day. By spending your precious blogging minutes practising, your blogging skills will improve faster than if you spent them reading blogs or trying to keep up with everyone on Twitter.

3) Invest in blogging tools instead of blogging books –

If blogging isn’t your full-time job, then it’s probably not a good use of your income to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on blogging books that you may only read once and/or never implement in your blog design.

These blogging guides are great for people who need both education and inspiration, but they aren’t as helpful if all you really want is advice that will help you get started blogging right away.

Blogging software can be pricey but invest in tools like Post Planner (which schedules posts for 60 days into the future), Grammarly Font (a free tool for proofreading content before publication) or Hootsuite to schedule social media promotion and blogging instead of getting sidetracked by blogging books.

4) Know your blogging goal before blogging each day –

Why did you start blogging? Do you plan to make money from it or do you just enjoy writing about a certain topic? By knowing what your blogging goals are, you’ll be able to do things that will help you hit all of them.

For example, if your blog is meant to drive traffic back to your business website, then focus on creating great content that attracts readers and links from other bloggers and businesses.

If social media followers are more important than email signups for your blogging goals, then think strategically about ways to engage visitors (these include social media buttons on the front page or using images vs text in posts) so they will want to share your content on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

5) Follow blogging experts instead of blogging friends –

It’s great when blogging friends offer advice or send you emails about blogging but it’s better to take advice from people who have learned the hard way what works and what doesn’t in blogging.

An online friend may be able to help with blogging questions like “What should I write about” or “How do I set up a blog?” but if you’re looking for more advanced advice like learning blogging tips for increasing traffic and design ideas for gaining readers then turn to sources like ProBlogger or Photoshop Creative Magazine.

A few minutes invested in reading this material will pay off much more than hours of conversation with someone who only understands blogging on a surface level.

6) Use short paragraphs instead of blogging images –

Let’s say you want to write an article about blogging mistakes but can’t think of anything to write. It’s tempting to just start typing and hope that your opinions flow out, but for blogging purposes, it’s better to use an online tool like Canva or Picmonkey in order to create the content (a picture is worth 1,000 words after all).

If that sounds too complicated, then try breaking long blog posts into shorter ones like 1,500-word articles broken down into A general overview of blogging mistakes. The top three most common mistakes made by bloggers. Ways you can avoid these blogging pitfalls now!

7) Overlook the importance of blogging to the blogging process –

If blogging were a hobby, then blogging mistakes would be less important as the finished product would be just for your own enjoyment instead of something that you plan to share with the world. But blogging is a great opportunity but only if you think about it in a way that makes sense.

You’ll get better results from blogging if you understand how blogging works and why you’re doing certain things on your blog (like writing posts or setting up plugins).

Article conclusion:

Thanks for reading this article post, I hugely appreciate it 😉 . Please leave some comment love in the comments below and remember to share this post with your friends on social media via Twitter , Linkedin , Facebook etc.  If you want more information on blogging.

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