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Beware of Cyberattack, It may destroy your company/personal confidential data

Travelize May 28, 2021

Cyber Attacks are the ongoing buzz all around the World. Before knowing the Cyber attacks let us understand what is Cyber Attacks? what are the tricks or techniques, hackers are using to expose, steal, alter, destroy or gain unauthorized access to an asset?
What are Cyber Attacks? Cyber attacks are the type of offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, or personal computer devices. Cyberattacks Can be named as a cyber campaign, cyber-warfare, or Cyber Terrorism.
Types of Cyber Attacks are as mentioned below:-

  1. Active Attacks attempts to change system resources or affect their operation.
  2. Passive Attacks attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does not affect system resource.
  3. Inside Attacks is an attack initiated by an entity that is authorized to access system resources but used them in the wrong way.
  4. An outside Attack is an attack initiated outside the perimeter, by the illegitimate user of the system. Outside hackers range from amateur pranksters to organized criminals, hostile governments, International criminals.
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Types of Cyber Attacks:-

  1. Malware (malicious software) downloaded to a targeted computer that can do anything from steal data to encrypt files and demand ransoms.
  2. Phishing emails are crafted to fool victim’s emails into giving up passwords or taking some other harmful action.
  3. Denial of Service Attacks, which overwhelm a web server with bogus traffic.
  4. Man in the middle attacks fools the target computer into joining a comprised network.

The Biggest Cyber Attacks

  1. WannaCry
  2. NotPetya
  3. Ethereum
  4. Equinox
  5. Yahoo( All 3 Billion yahoo email addresses affected)
  6. GitHub(Massive denial of service attack) and many more.

Cyber Attack Prevention Tips:-

  1. The Government and the organizations can work together to fight cyber attacks.
  2. Point-of-sale terminals are a vector for malware and data theft. Point-of-sale terminals include marketing/Sales cooperatives, retailers, hotels, restaurants which are victimized through the same heel that Cybercriminals continue to attack: Point-of-Sale system where Customer payment details, Sales Employee Travel claim details are routinely processed.

However, Security experts are encouraging a variety of approaches to keep businesses secure from point-of-sales intrusion. Here are a few to know and consider monitoring, Encryption, Testing each and every time when you connect with point-of-sale terminals.
If you want to access remote sales employee information like travel expense details, customer payments bills & other work-related billing attachments online with safety you can opt for Travelize Application. TRAVELIZE is a trusted & encrypted-Employee GPS location & Monitoring Softwarethat is mainly designed to serve all types of organizations.
Travelize strives for Encapsulation, Data Security, Data integrity & Encryption.

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