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How do I become AWS Certified Solutions Associate Architect?

Careerera August 5, 2021

The best way to become an aws certified solutions architect associate is to take an AWS solutions architect associate certification training course by a reputed educational course and training provider.

Opt for an educational course and training provider that can provide you the highest quality AWS training available in the industry at this point in time.

The AWS solutions architect associate is a very desirable and popular position among cloud computing professionals because of its lucrative and profitable salaries, job responsibilities, job duties, and field of work.

The AWS solutions architect associate has one of the best job positions available in the field of cloud computing. They have to design the blueprints of all the AWS services which a software application hosted on the AWS platform will use.

They have to have a clear idea of how all the multifarious AWS services will interact with each other while supporting the software application and which features and unique configuration options of the AWS services will be used by the software application.

This kind of work is very technical, complex, and difficult to execute. Due to its difficulty, a very detailed and intensive aws solutions architect associate training is needed to equip the learners with all the required skills, knowledge, and abilities with the help of which they will be able to carry out all of their duties and responsibilities in relation to the AWS platform.

The AWS solutions architect associate also has to meet with potential clients and customers of the AWS platform and get detailed input and feedback on their needs, interests, concerns, and expectations from the AWS platform and its services.

They have to do this in a very professional and businesslike manner and have to be very conscientious and meticulous, taking precise notes of everything the client or customer says. This is because the entire software application with all of its connected AWS services will be designed on the basis of the needs, interests, concerns, and expectations of the clients.

The clients will be most dissatisfied if the end-product does not turn out to be what they expected or if it does not match the input and specifications they gave to the AWS solutions architect associate in the beginning. So he has to be extremely careful while taking notes on the needs, interests, concerns, and expectations of the potential clients or customers.

About the AWS solutions architect associate course

1. The instructors –

The instructors of the aws solution architect associate course should be chosen very carefully because they are the leading professionals in the field of the AWS platform. They are all very experienced and seasoned cloud computing professionals with decades of experience working in the field of cloud computing.

They possess very refined and honed teaching skills and are familiar with all the best and latest teaching methodologies with which they can impart the course content to the learners. They are also very good-natured and humble people and thus will be able to interact with the learners politely, respectfully, and in a caring and concerned manner.

2. The course curriculum –

Amazon has designed the course curriculum of this course to be a very comprehensive and complete course curriculum that contains all the most relevant and useful concepts and topics that a learner could need in the field of the AWS platform.

Not only does the course curriculum contain the core concepts and curriculum which a learner will need to know as a part of their skillset when they start working in the real world as full-fledged cloud computing professionals, but it also contains all the most recent developments and advances in the field of cloud computing.

This means that the learners will get AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification online training which will equip them to function and work in the real world and will also get training that will keep them ahead of other cloud computing professionals for many years to come.

3. The capstone projects –

The learner has to complete many capstone projects in order to pass this AWS solutions architect certification training course successfully and get the credentials of an AWS solutions architect associate. In fact, there are a total of 12 capstone projects in this course.

The learner has to complete all of them as a necessity because they are a mandatory part of the course and are graded very carefully by the instructors. This has been done deliberately so that the learners are compelled to carry out extensive research in order to make projects which actually work and perform some practical function in the field of cloud computing.

The learners will gain a lot of valuable practical and hands-on experience while completing these projects which will serve them well in the long run when they have to tackle and handle similar projects in the real world.

4. The feedback –

The learners will get regular, constant, and continuous feedback from the instructors of this course because the instructors are very keen to connect with the learners and keep them on the right track with constant guidance.

To this end, the instructors will be giving the learners a lot of suggestions, remarks, comments, advice, corrections, and even praise on the different submitted items of the learners such as surprise quizzes, assignments, and capstone projects.

5. The support –

The learners will be able to contact the instructors for any issue or query, doubt, or question on various communication channels 24/7. So they will be able to connect with the instructors via video call, phone call, audio call, email, chat, and the online forum education and course delivery platform.

How difficult is the AWS solutions architect associate exam?

The AWS solutions architect associate exam is extremely difficult and tricky. In fact, the difficulty level of the exam is so high that legions of aspiring aws architect associates have made an honest attempt at clearing the exam but have failed utterly and miserably.

This is because the designers of the exam who work at Amazon design the exam to be intricate, and tricky deliberately. Their reasoning is that since any professional who gets the credentials of AWS solutions architect associate will be officially certified by Amazon, he should have all the requisite knowledge and skills to perform his work in the real world competently.

If he is not able to do it, it will reflect negatively on Amazon’s reputation as a peerless technological company and because of this, they set the standards and the entry bar very high. Let us take a look at the syllabus of the exam.

  • Design Resilient Architectures – 34% 
  • Define Performant Architecture – 24%
  • Specify Secure Applications and Architectures – 24%
  • Design Cost-Optimized Architectures – 10%
  • Define Operationally Excellent Architectures – 8%

From the above syllabus, we can see that the exam consists of questions that are drawn from 5 different domains of knowledge. Now, these domains of knowledge are extremely technical and contain a lot of jargon and lingo specific to the field of cloud computing.

They are also very vast and it is difficult for a learner to cover even one domain by themselves with any level of comprehensiveness and confidence, what to speak of 5 large domains filled with complex concepts and topics?

But this can be done in a very easy and simple way by taking Careerera’s AWS solutions architect associate certification training course which will teach the learners all the concepts and topics contained in the above domains in an organized and systematic manner.

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Careerera is one of the leading provider of Higher Education Professional Certification Training, Test Preparation, K -12 Education, Language Training and other skill training for Adults and kids in the field of IT, Management, Software Development, Project Management, Quality Assurance and many more. View all posts by Careerera →

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