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The Importance of Data Personalization and Localization for Online Businesses

akashdwivedi September 9, 2021

Marketing used to be all about the big picture — which strategy will appeal to the most significant number of consumers or potential customers? This is because firms have little information on their customers. They could have possessed some demographic data and a physical address at most.

The world has changed. Companies now have access to a massive quantity of data from their consumers, including their preferences, whereabouts, the languages they speak, the sorts of items they bought online, and even the recently googled subjects. The availability of this data makes it easier than ever to build a personalised data, localized online experience, which benefits both consumers and marketers.

What is the Difference Between Personalization and Localization?

Personalization and localization have become critical marketing strategies for businesses trying to succeed in an increasingly competitive global market. But what do these phrases imply, and why do they matter for companies?

Data & Personalisation is the process of tailoring communications to a specific customer based on comprehensive information about them. This information might include their name, the last time they visited your site, the products they placed in their basket but did not purchase, or particular activities they took on your app.

A SaaS firm, for example, may opt to offer a discount to a customer for an item they put in their basket but did not purchase. This discount would not be given to every client, and each customer would receive a coupon tailored to their unique purchase.

Localization is the process of delivering the appropriate message to the right customer in the right place and at the right time. Consider localization to be the use of real-time data about specific markets to generate hyper-specific content or services that seem one-of-a-kind.

What is Localisation in Business? For instance, a fast-food restaurant may send out coupons to all of its customers yet offer various deals depending on location. They may send an ice cream coupon to people in western or southern regions where the weather is milder and a free soup voucher to clients in northern or eastern parts where the weather is still frigid.

So, what’s the difference between personalization and localization? Data and personalisation are concerned with particular users, whereas localization is concerned with segmented client markets as a whole. Data driven personalization may employ a person’s name, while business localisation may use their native language and pictures from their city. 

Why are Customization and Localization Necessary in Business?

While the implementations of data personalisation and localization vary significantly, the advantages are pretty similar. User data personalised content and localized content and offers are more pertinent, helpful, and profitable in the client’s eyes. Even this apply to online shopping websites as well.

Personalization and localization are essential because they offer a more relevant consumer experience. As a result, conversions increase.

Why are Personalization and Localization the Future of Marketing?

Marketing trends fluctuate with predictable frequency. Remember the organic reach on Facebook? Posting from a company Facebook page was once a very efficient method to reach all of your consumers. Not so much anymore.

Localization and personalization of material, on the other hand, are not likely to be a fleeting fad. Several recent developments show that these movements are not fads but significant transformations in how firms must appeal to customers for years to come.

The Advancement of Technology

Technology has provided us with greater access to data and information than ever before in the last decade.

Machine learning and automation have also grown in popularity, taking over traditionally arduous human activities like content translation, data collecting, and even process approvals. As technology improves, it will become simpler to serve clients with personalized and localized content.

The Continuous Rise of Mobile

Google’s ”mobile-first” indexing is yet another sign of mobile’s rising power. For the first time in 2019, mobile traffic made up more than half of total internet traffic in the third quarter of 2019. Mobile-driven commerce and mobile traffic are expected to expand in the coming years.

Engaging global customers on their devices involves offering personalized and localized information, regardless of where they are buying, when they are buying, or what gadgets they are using.

The Omnichannel Uptick

Importance of personal data: Before the internet, people obtained information in various methods, the most common of which were newspapers and TVs. Customers today connect with businesses on their mobile devices while watching TV, buying online for beauty items and more, or communicating via email, social media, mobile applications, and websites – and often in more than one place at the same time.

Localizing and personalizing content for each channel and client demonstrates to your audience that you are paying attention and recognize their desires and requirements. This attention to detail fosters consumer trust.

The Influence of Personal

Personalized information will no longer be a nice-to-have in the future years; it will be a must. The importance of data on customers is already recognized amongst businesses, whether a company is selling a toy or a beauty product.r Customers expect companies to provide content that anticipates their requirements and is relevant to their life as big brands roll out more customized content.

How to use Localization to Achieve Hyper-personalization

Personalization and localization will continue to drive business development and revenue in the future years. And, while many businesses are considering how to apply these objectives, there is frequently a misalignment between the two. In actuality, the two operate best when used in tandem. The following section demonstrates how to mix customization with localization to make the most of both techniques.

Intelligent Content Translation

As e-commerce continues to draw worldwide consumers, firms can no longer afford to offer a single-language website. According to a poll of non-Anglophone consumers, 60% seldom or never make transactions from English-only websites. Content translation enables customers to develop confidence in businesses that genuinely speak their language.

Chatbots That Speak Many Languages

Customers may gain trust and find solutions to their inquiries more quickly if your chatbots are multilingual. Most consumers prefer to use the internet in their native language, and utilizing chatbots to converse with them in their original language is a logical extension of this.


Many businesses are already utilizing artificial intelligence to deal with content and automate content optimization, ad targeting, and content translation. AI may also assist in personalizing and localizing content by giving targeted content recommendations based on activities a user performs, their geography, and the language they speak, using data points acquired from consumer activity. It especially helps in building websites for online shopping

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