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Road Transportation In India And Their Benefits

amankhandelwal123 July 30, 2021

Road Transport in India: India is one of the countries with the largest road network in the world. The road network here is about 23 lakh sq. km. Road transport in India started before rail transport. Road transport is more convenient than rail transport in construction and arrangement because it has trucks for transportation purposes like Tata Signa trucks and many more. 

Features of Road Transport in India

  1. The construction cost of roads is less than that of railway lines.
  2. Roads can be built on relatively rough and uneven terrain.
  3. Roads can also be built-in in high slope slopes and hilly areas.
  4. Roads are economical in transporting relatively few persons, short distances and goods.
  5. It provides door to door services, and the cost of loading and unloading is relatively low.
  6. Road transport also serves as a link in other modes of transportation, such as roads, railway stations, connecting air and seaports.
  7. Based on the condition of the roads in India, they are classified into the following six categories.
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