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Top 10 do’s and don’ts when you’re new to vaping

olivialixx47 October 9, 2023


Research your device: Before purchasing, do your homework. Look at reviews, ask experienced users, and find out which devices are most reliable and suitable for your needs.

Start with a beginner-friendly device: Pod systems or simple koko prime vape pens can be ideal for beginners because they’re easy to use and maintain.

Buy from reputable sources: Ensure that you purchase your vape devices and e-liquids from reputable vendors. This is especially important in countries like Pakistan where counterfeit products can be common.

Choose the right nicotine strength: If you’re transitioning from smoking, choosing the right nicotine strength can make a difference in your experience. Start with a mid-range strength and adjust based on your needs.

Maintain your device: Regularly clean and check your device to ensure it functions properly and safely.

Stay hydrated: Vaping can cause dehydration, so drinking plenty of water can help counteract this effect.

Respect public spaces: Always follow local regulations and norms. Avoid vaping in places where smoking is not allowed or in enclosed public spaces.

Store safely: Keep your devices and e-liquids out of reach from children and pets.

Rotate flavors: To prevent ‘vaper’s tongue’ (a temporary inability to taste e-liquid flavors), switch up your flavors regularly.

Stay informed: Keep updated with the latest research and findings on vaping. Knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions.


Don’t buy solely based on price: While vaping can be more cost-effective than smoking, opting for the cheapest products might mean compromising on quality.

Avoid counterfeit products: Counterfeit or knock-off products can be dangerous. Always buy from a trusted source.

Don’t mix different e-liquids without proper knowledge: This can lead to undesirable flavors or reactions.

Avoid charging your vape with a different charger: Use the charger that came with your device or one that the manufacturer recommends.

Don’t ignore signs of battery damage: If your battery becomes swollen, hot, or starts to behave erratically, stop using it immediately.

Avoid using a device with a broken tank: Cracked or broken tanks can lead to leaks or malfunction. Replace them immediately.

Don’t dry burn your coils: This can damage the coil and produce an unpleasant taste.

Don’t vape too frequently when starting out: Overdoing it can lead to symptoms like dizziness, headaches, or nausea.

Don’t ignore signs of nicotine overdose: Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and cold sweats. If you experience these, seek medical attention.

Avoid being pushy: Every individual’s journey is unique. Don’t push others to vape or judge those who choose different paths.

Lastly, it’s important to understand that vaping is not entirely risk-free. Always ensure you understand the risks and benefits before starting, and consider your personal health and context. Get the best nad newly vape devices and best vape price in pakistan at vapemall.

Top 10 do’s and don’ts when you’re new to vaping

Research your device: Before purchasing, do your homework. Look at reviews, ask experienced users, and find out which devices are most reliable and suitable for your needs.

Start with a beginner-friendly device: Pod systems or simple vape pens can be ideal for beginners because they’re easy to use and maintain.

Buy from reputable sources: Ensure that you purchase your vape devices and e-liquids from reputable vendors. This is especially important in countries like Pakistan where counterfeit products can be common.

Choose the right nicotine strength: If you’re transitioning from smoking, choosing the right nicotine strength can make a difference in your experience. Start with a mid-range strength and adjust based on your needs.

Maintain your device: Regularly clean and check your device to ensure it functions properly and safely.

Stay hydrated: Vaping can cause dehydration, so drinking plenty of water can help counteract this effect.

Respect public spaces: Always follow local regulations and norms. Avoid vaping in places where smoking is not allowed or in enclosed public spaces.

Store safely: Keep your devices and e-liquids out of reach from children and pets.

Rotate flavors: To prevent ‘vaper’s tongue’ (a temporary inability to taste e-liquid flavors), switch up your flavors regularly.

Stay informed: Keep updated with the latest research and findings on vaping. Knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions.

Don’t buy solely based on price: While vaping can be more cost-effective than smoking, opting for the cheapest products might mean compromising on quality.

Avoid counterfeit products: Counterfeit or knock-off products can be dangerous. Always buy from a trusted source.

Don’t mix different e-liquids without proper knowledge: This can lead to undesirable flavors or reactions.

Avoid charging your vape with a different charger: Use the charger that came with your device or one that the manufacturer recommends.

Don’t ignore signs of battery damage: If your battery becomes swollen, hot, or starts to behave erratically, stop using it immediately.

Avoid using a device with a broken tank: Cracked or broken tanks can lead to leaks or malfunction. Replace them immediately.

Don’t dry burn your coils: This can damage the coil and produce an unpleasant taste.

Don’t vape too frequently when starting out: Overdoing it can lead to symptoms like dizziness, headaches, or nausea.

Don’t ignore signs of nicotine overdose: Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and cold sweats. If you experience these, seek medical attention.

Avoid being pushy: Every individual’s journey is unique. Don’t push others to vape or judge those who choose different paths.

Lastly, it’s important to understand that vaping is not entirely risk-free. Always ensure you understand the risks and benefits before starting, and consider your personal health and context.

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