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Pruning or cutting a tree is delicate. You have to ask permission.

Roby Colley February 20, 2017

In accordance with the new Forest Law, article 12 establishes that it is the responsibility of municipalities to grant permits and authorizations for logging and pruning for the purposes of security and maintenance of trees outside forests, located in the municipality’s urban jurisdiction, except for some species (mahogany , Cedar, maple etc),

It is also the responsibility to authorize logging in urban areas of species in bad season and logging of any kind in rural or urban areas for construction purposes, according to information provided by the office of authority.

According to the Environmental Protection Law who tale or can trees without proper authorization can be sanctioned with fines ranging from one hundred to ten thousand Tax Units.

Gather these requirements

Private or public land by construction:

* Address a letter to municipality, with identification of the interested party, where he must clearly state the purpose of the application and sign it.

* Copy of ownership document of the land.

* Registration of Tax Information (only if it is legal entity).

* Proof of the Community Council.

* Report of Firefighters or Civil Protection (in case that the logging is by reason of risk).

* After authorization, for each tree cut, eight trees of native species such as cedar, mahogany etc must be planted with mandatory character. If for reasons of force mayor you cannot plant the trees, you must give the Ministry 16 trees for the Tree Branch to be responsible for planting them.

Trimming and pruning for safety and maintenance purposes:

* Request a Fire or Civil Protection report. The interested party must request before these bodies the requirements for the request of the inspection, each has its own regulations to follow.

* The security forces are those who will diagnose if the tree effectively needs pruning or pruning.

* Once the inspection has been carried out, bring it to the municipalities of your municipality, whether or not they will authorize the action.

If the tree has already fallen

* In case of emergencies, when a tree falls due to various factors, on a building, electric line, vehicle or obstructs the free transit, it is advisable to contact the nearest security agencies.

* Once authorized the felling or pruning the interested party can contract the services of a private individual to carry out the work or ask the security agencies to do so.

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